Life is about being myself
Someone only I can be
Someone only I can understand
Someone that is unlike everyone else
Someone that has something unique
Because I am ME
Although I have a blog, I never posted any wallpapers of what I make. I used to have a lot of them since I was so addicted to Photoshop, but unfortuntly my PC was formatted and all of them were gone and I was able only to save a few things. At that time I was preparing for making a website called "Games World" which I wanted it to be for videogames mainly, and a little part for anime and manga. After that I didn't really design a lot like I used to. Maybe because those stuff were my hard work for years and they were more than 400 wallpapers which I made in two years and I really loved them. Anyway, enough from opening a big wound of my heart since the website already was made and gone with the wind in mins. I hope everyone will like these wallpapers and make comments on them. They are old, but not that bad, LOL!!
All of them are 800 x 600
I also like to write a lot. I think I should post something I wrote in the future and show off to you guys, LOL!!
This week was really long for me. Uni is back and I couldn't post anything since I was almost all the time with my friends just enjoying my time since there is no real studying in first week. I also wasn't able to be here since I don't have my laptop this week. But, I trully enjoyed it with some of my friends, but other times I was really bored and had bad headaches. I'm happy that the weekend is finally here, so I can sleep probably for these few days since my sleep turned upside down because of uni.
I finally at home and my stomach hurts me like hell since I ate a lot. I miss my mom food and I barely eat in uni in the hostel, I only eat while I'm in the college which are all junk food. I'm also thinking of going to the gym and started working out a little bit so my body have it's original shape before I enter the uni (I gained weight since I came to uni). I'm drinking my fav drink now which is Dew and I think it's probably the big reason for me to gain weight, LOL!!
I'm planning to play today the whole day and tomorrow I'll study a little and I'll solve the h.w I have and prepare my things for uni again and then go back to playing and sleeping. I'll try my best and work hard this course to raise my GPA and have good marks and hopefully a lot of "A", lol so I might not be active like I used to since I need to study everyday and not just when I have a quiz and exams, but still I'll be updating whenever I got the time. So, see ya around everyone and I'll try to check on ur blogs from time to time and I hope you all doing good with your studying or work. Good luck and take care you all!! ^__^
1. My mood becomes bad the whole day if I was a waked by noises or someone noisy
2. Whatever I hear when I wake up is going to be on my mind the whole day (like if I set the alarm on my cell and it was a song or whatever, it will never leave my mind that day)
3. I love Graphic Design a lot!!
4. I hate people who cheat and make rumors a lot!!
5. I become so upset and full of worries whenever a friend is in a problem or bad mood. (I care sometimes way too much!)
6. I can walk away from friends if I started to hate things in them
7. I hate routine and like to do things different all the time
8. In holidays I like staying so late till the next morning and enjoy my time in anything I like specially the Internet ;)
9. I dislike Arabic teachers and prefer Foreign teachers a lot!! (it's easy to communicate with them)
10. I hate chocolate and I love Vanilla
Ok, this is sooo hard since almost everyone being tagged. Anyway, I tag!!
Finally in a good mood after a looooong time!! I've been talking to my friend Stranger yesterday till the morning :P and I felt really happy. I don't know why, maybe because I missed her so much and we used to spend a lot of time in uni together and that happened yesterday too ^__^
I also probably said a lot of things which made me feel relaxed and relieved for opening up something to her. I'm trully grateful for having you. I don't think anyone would know me more than you do sweety!! We are so much a like that it probably made us this close. I'm so happy that I met you and this song is dedicated for you hon. Hope you like it!!
PS: For all those who supported me and being there for me, I love you guys and this song is also for you!!
In a time when I was lost and lonely and needed someone to be close to me, but pushing everyone away and thinking I'm better off friends because of stuff that happened to me before. This melody was the light for me. I have no idea why though, but it made me smile and feel safe and calm. It filled me with many emotions and feelings that I can't explain or describe. All I know is that I found myslf after hearing this. I found the light that guided me through a lot of hard times. I loved this melody so much and I cherished it a lot. It means a lot to me although some ppl may think it's lame or plain. I find it awesome and amazing!!
It's from a game called Final Fantasy 9 which is one of my fav of FF series. I enjoyed this game so much and I even played it more than 20 times and it have 4 CDs *eyes wide open* Wow!! I also love the main song for this game which called "Melodies Of Life". A part of this song touched my heart so deep and I felt as if it was made for me. A lot of ppl think that videogames are for kids and has no use at all, but for me it was everything since ppl was nothing to me and I was pushing my family away since I have a hard time opening up my heart to anyone or say how I feel. I hope you'll like the melody which called "Song Of Memory" and the song of this game.
I made this music player on it's memory and it has some of my fav songs and melodies from the game ^_^
I hope you'll like my iPod player which was made a long ago, but I forgot about it, LOL!!
So, some ppl have a weird behaviour on doing things, but some ppl have a weird way in celebrating. Watch this!!
The weird thing is the response for this video. It's cool!!
Today was pretty much normal for me. Didn't do anything important. I just watched a couple episodes for Shounen Onmyouji which was very cool!! I also watched some episodes from Devil Beside You Taiwanee Drama. It's based on manga, but I forgot it's name, but anyway the drama rocks!! It's really cool and funny :D
I have some free time and pretty mad because I don't have Adobe Photoshop to make new designs and design a layout for this blog >.< I'm getting bored with this one already, but I guess I'm gonna change it soon.
Can't imagine that I'll be back to uni after few days. Damn, this vacation wasn't that long and I didn't have so fun on it and now I hope if I go back in time to the beginning of it, so I can really enjoy it to the fulliest :D I need to prepare a lot of stuff for uni and specially mentally I think cause I wanna just sit at home and play some videogames or being online enjoying my time. But I guess, we can't have everything we want I mean life isn't that easy. Maybe, the most reason for me not wanting to go is because I decided to cut off a lot of my time online and concetrate in studying since my grades last semester were simply shit. I hope I'll do better this semester and I also can't wait to meet AD_Queen for the first time and Funky again and have a good long chat about how did we meet by our blogs, LOL!!
This anime is awesome and yet suitable to all the ages. It's about some kids who has special powers which are called Alice. This anime is called Gakuen Alice.
Gakuen Alice
Alternative titles: Alice Academy La Academia Alice 学園アリス
Story: Mikan is a girl full of vitality living in a local town. She followed her best friend Hotaru who had moved, and she finally reached to Alice Gakuen. But it was a special school that only those who had special abilities called “Alice” could enter. She managed to enter the school, but how did she manage to enter? and what will happen to her life in that school?
This anime is 26 episodes which was first released at 1994, but finally continued being subbed recently. This anime was really hard to find and dropped by all the sub groups, but finally ADTRW has picked up this series and slowly been releasing new episodes and I'll have the chance to finally finish watching it :D
These are the links for the episodes that was released and I'll post more of them when they are out.
So, I saw this in one of the blogs I was surfing and I loved the idea. It will make me know more about my visitors (if I had any, LOL) and I wanna know what ppl think about my blog. Hope everyone will stop by and fill in this form. I made it simple, so that everyone could fill it and it won't take more than 5 mintues.