Shot at 2007-08-21
This pic sums up my state right now. I'm tired and little exhausted from my sleeping habits. It's growing bad with days and I'm worried about my first week in uni.
"When do you sleep?"
A simple question I always hear and especially in the holiday since I was truly missing sleeping so much in uni since there are times that I have to stay all night long to study or work for a project. usually in this holiday, I sleep at 9 am. Sometimes I stay up like today and maybe more like 3 pm or something. I know it's bad for the body, but I can't help it. I can't control it. It's the same thing if I am in bed, I stay for 5 hours most of the time trying to sleep, so I started of making a strategy to tire and exhaust myself up to be able to sleep. But, sometimes that fails to happen because I have the ability to stay awake for the whole day.
Whenever I am in bed, I keep thinking and thinking for hours and hours which is tiring to the mind. Therefore, I rather being online, checking on things or watching movies than staying still in bed. I hope I can find a solution for this soon. At least, before uni starts or I'll be in a serious trouble.
Now, I'm out for good this time!!
hey sweetz .... all i can say we do need to sleep 8 hr's as adults BUT shakelna n7n banat il IT wont get much sleep so get ready 4 it hon ...hope we'll meet soon ;)
He he he
Indeed, we IT students suffer from lack of sleep. Hope we meet soon sweey and Mabrook 3alech el shahar
Hey suga
Sleeeeeeping mmmmmmmmmmmmmm .. am bad in this cause I dnt sleep much too bas like i advice myself ill advise you .. We don't usually need to think very much about our sleep - it's just a part of life that we take for granted. When we can't sleep, though, it can be a real problem. In fact, most of us will find it hard to sleep at some point in our lives. We have a word for it - insomnia. It's often just for a short time, perhaps when we're worried or excited. After a few days, things settle down and we get back to sleeping normally. However, we need sleep to keep our minds and bodies healthy. If we carry on sleeping badly, we start to notice the effects.
Most adults need around 7-8 hours sleep each night.
Sleeping too little (Insomnia)
You may feel that you aren't getting enough sleep or that, even if you do get the hours, you don't get a good night's rest.
There are many everyday reasons for not sleeping well:
the bedroom may be too noisy, too hot or too cold
the bed may be uncomfortable or too small
you partner may have a different pattern of sleep from yourself
you may not have a regular routine, or may not be getting enough exercise
eating too much can make it difficult to get off to sleep
going to bed hungry can make you wake too early
cigarettes, alcohol and drinks containing caffeine, such as tea and coffee
illness, pain or a high temperature.
Some more serious causes include:
emotional problems
difficulties at work
anxiety and worry
depression - you may wake very early in the morning and not be able to get back to sleep
thinking over and over about day to day problems.
Gd Day
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