What is it that I'm going through lately? I learned that I should follow my heart and emotions and never go against them to avoid trusting people they are not worth it...
However, if I did follow my heart, how will my future be? I always wonder!
Won't it be amazing if we could just see a little bit or just a single shot from our future??
I know that it could be a bless for some, but hell for others; therefore, it's amazing how God prevented a disaster by unabling us humans to be able to see what the future holds knowing how awful the effect will be, so I'm not complaining.
I wish my mind can operate normally soon, I still can think, but all my thoughts are mixed up and I feel like I'm thinking of hundred thoughts at the same time resulting in thousands of thoughts in a day. Sleeping has became useless when I keep having dreams re-living my day and my reaction to some situations as if I'm going through a revision.
Will this last only for the end of this semester? Is it resulted from my tough schedule and six courses? Or, is it a result of my heart fighting with my mind, each trying to prove their point to the other???
we ladies always tend to think with our emotions rather than our brains but somehow it takes alot from our energy and pretty drains us ... luv the best thing to do whatever that is confusing u .. think with ur logically about it and dont take to long to decide on what to settle on... life is pretty short why waste so much time considering whats right or wrong just live ur day one day at a time ...
39 days left it will pass in a glimse beleive me X0xo
follow my heart and emotions and never go against them to avoid trusting people they are not worth it...
i like this words =)
"just live ur day one day at a time"
baaaah really wrong way to live =p
Better follow this
Your bro
Funky-Star: You are so right sweetie!
Although I do know what you mean and I totally agree with you, it's just hard to apply for me. However, I'll definitely decide soon, once and for all. I won't back out and I will decide aiming to not regret it in any way.
Thanks hon for reading and commenting. I'm glad to hear your opinion about this.. ^__^
Darkprince: LOL!! I bet I would definitely forget most of the things that are upsetting me because...well, it's the human nature, hahaha.
Thanks for your comment! :)
I just cant believe it how much we are the same
" cant write more "
coz u know how same we are
exhusting >_<
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