What is it that I'm feeling at the moment?? Confusion is surrounding my heart and mind and I can see the path no more.
I wonder how judges feel when they have to make their decision about the suspect, guilty or not, knowing that many lives are counting on them.
The victim, the victim family, the suspect and the supect family. It's the same as doctors, one mistake can kill a patient although it's probably the fate that planned it in that way. Then, what about me? Why am I in this confusion when many poeple are telling me that the decision is easy.
Pick those who love you because you can guarantee they will stay with you forever, but what if I'm the one who is going to walk away?
What if he wasn't my soulmate, the one I dreamed about for my whole life?? What is it that I'm feeling inside that keeps me from agreeing???
Am I truly in love?? But then, how can I know if I was?? I never been in love before, what are the symptoms?? Will someone answer me??
Nothing can guarantee u dear that some1 shall always stay with u forever even if u mean the world to them … ppl come and go from ur life so easily these days
If u just had the simplest doubt abt him then I don’t think his the one for u ..
Falling in love is like losing ur sanity u get heart cramps and ur hands shiver and u utter just the moment any1 mentions his name or they show up .. u say the most stupidest things that u don’t wana say and then when u re think about what u said u feel so embarrassed and laugh abt it … it’s the most amazing feeling but at the same time the most hurtful =)
dont lsn to what ppl say whatever that is confusing u try takin the decision by urself 3ashan u dont regret it later onn
OMG!! I truly needed to hear this from someone, daddies little cuttie..
I doubt almost everyone sweetie and that's the problem. If I don't know the person that much, I wouldn't trust him/her.
Everyone is telling me to make the decision by myself for the same reasons.
Wow, seems like you're into love hard, girl. LOL!! Well, I'm glad to know that I'm not having any of those feelings, so it means that I'm off the hook, right? :P
Thanks sweetie for reading and commenting! Your words are lessons!! :)
hi i just typed in Google "queen" and some things then your blog showed off , i have no interest on it but , girl the song tracks was good , so before i know i finished reading the first page
all i can say , I'm 33 years old now and i maid the right decision that day , its not just you all of us did cry and trouble sleeping , is he the guy of my dreams or not .
i was confused but then i asked for an opinion from my friends , some women came on that day .
she said stop confusing your self " we maid the future ". if he is a good guy he will help you to reach that "future" you dreamed of .
married with 3 kids
sorry i didn't type in English for the last 3 years
sounds was a wonderfull birthday :)
Dear San,
I don't consider myself an expert on the subject, but still I can tell you that every love has its different feels to it, so individual experiences depend on person to person. I agree with "daddies little cuttie". In addition I would say that it depends on what effects it puts onto you.
Let thy heart be your light.
Love is something that takes us near to God.
It makes you weep in the night when only you know & God knows that you are weeping and praying.
It also makes you jump with joy.Love also makes you smile that much more which nothing else can make.A person in love can never truly hurt someone, even a complete stranger.It makes us listen to the songs that wind sings. It creates an insightfullness. It creates wisdom.......... and so on. Above all it makes you do impossible things not for yourself but for others. It creates a feeling of selflessness......!
In short, love does not create confusion it makes the visions more clear.
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