Last weekend, I went out shopping in my city for bathroom stuff like shampoo, body lotion, Johnson products and etc. I had this urge while being out to go to a shop that was next to our old home. I wanted to go inside, but my bro didn't let me. I was going to ignore him and go inside it anyway, but seeing how small it is and crowded with guys, I changed my mind. It was 10 pm and I asked my bro to buy a lot of candies, chips, soft drinks and etc from the shop.
I don't know why I had this feeling, but I truly wanted to go back to the old me, the me who saw that shop huge at that time, the me who was pure knowing nothing about the real world, the me who was innocent holding no grudge to anyone. I just missed those old days. Some people still tell me that I'm way too innocent, but I disagree with them. I've been through a lot of pain in this life that made me trust no one. My best friends are the only ones who has my trust, but since I've been betrayed more than once before, it made me ready for anything from anyone even those who are close to me.
However, I still need to taste the latter in order to confirm it since I only felt it radiating from the others.
~A lesson I learned recently~

lovely post!!
missin u love
Trust is truly nightmare ...!!
I'm trying to reply to myself and tell you ..,, believe me there are 100 ppl that you can trust out there..
Nothing ...!
اممم .. ياااالله .. ع أيام أول..والله حلووة..أيااام الدكاان..هههههه
اممم والله بيكون حلوو لو دشيتي بس أحين غيـــر..وقبل غيـــر..حلوو يوم تتذكرين أيام قبل "تتمنين تعيشين لحظات الماضي"
وأهم شي..الوردة اللي ع اللاب توب استوت حمرا ^^تراا الورد مايركبله إللا اللون الأحمر
ووو مساااج ورد جوري أحمر^^تيــك كيــر
daddies little cuttie:
Thanks sweetie, I'm glad you liked it! I missed you too ^^
Definitely, trust is a nightmare and having that nightmare will make you end up being prepared to be betrayed any moment from those who are close to you.
That's why I trust on a few people and you are one of them dear *hugs*
Yeah, old times when we used to be kids were definitely fun. You always have this urge to just re-live some moments.
Hehehehehe ~~
I'm glad you liked it and yes I definitely agree. Flowers and especially roses doesn't fit being colorless.
Thanks a lot for passing by and commenting dear
Have a good day and take care as well ^^
luvly website looking forward to read more n more =)
can i ask!???.gawa mo ba ung mga poem!???....o hindi? =).nice blog!!!!
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