Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Real Life

No one can imagine how I needed a break from everyone and everything including my family. So, after being away, I think I finally found myself once again. This summer was my worst summer vacation ever and I regret many choices I made that affected me badly and I no longer want to repeat those mistakes ever again.

Currently, Internship is cornering me into a boring routine where I repeat the same thing over and over again making me think I'm living a nightmare or re-living everyday. It's sucking my energy completely till I can't do anything else or contact anyone. My life lately have been revolving around sleeping and reading Holy Quran with nothing else to do. Let's hope this routine will fade to exist after Eid.

"I wonder when will I be able to see the next sunset?"


Samt♥AlbadoO said...

nice update sis..
emm, maybe i came late 2 write a comment...

internship, i always wanna this course 2 come so we can try this new life and how it works...

hope by now everything is fine and u enjoy ur time

waiting 4 3loomch 3an el-tranning =)

daddies little cuttie said...

uv been missed love