Sunday, August 15, 2010

New Life...New Path

It's been a long journey...I even lost count of the days...
It took me by surprise that five years have finally passed...
I definitely wasn't prepared...I'm still not prepared....
So many things I need to think about...
So many choices to make....
So many options to choose from...
But that how life is....
It's NEVER easy, but not always HARD!
I wonder what my next step will be?
How will my new journey start?
I didn't set up my mind yet! 
I'm just waiting for a sign...
A sign that will let me know...
This is how it's supposed to be...
This is what it's meant to be...


vitamin said...

ya bint .. u will get married wella sho alsalfah .. new life new path ??

mabrook mo8damn dear =^.^=
wish you all the best in new life


Queen San said...

Nope, not yet at least :P

What I meant is the new life after graduation! It's totally a new life for me. We spent 12 years studying in schools and then 5 years in uni; therefore, my mind is screaming at me "Now what?"

I think whether I choose to complete my studies or work or anything else, it's a new journey to me!!

Thanks a lot for your wishes and passing by V! ^___^

vitamin said...

38balle inshallah after one semester .. will feel maybe something like this!!

anyway allah youwafegch with anything any road u step in

Vitamin A

Queen San said...

Enshallah dear~~
but an advice is to apply for work from now. It will take a while and sometimes even longer, so apply as if you a fresh graduate from now. :)